Get Recent Votes

ppc_votes(chamber = c("both", "house", "senate"), api_key = NULL, raw = FALSE)



Specify the chamber of Congress typically "house" or "senate"; sometimes "both" or "joint"


The actual API key string provided by ProPublica.


Logical indicating whether to return the raw response object. The default (FALSE) parses the content and returns a tibble data frame.


A data frame of congressional votes information


By tradition, the Speaker of the House votes at his or her discretion, and typically does not vote. When the Speaker does vote, the official source data from the Clerk of the House includes that information, but when the Speaker does not vote, the data provided by the Clerk does not include that information. In those cases, ProPublica adds a record showing the Speaker as not voting and increases the total number of lawmakers not voting by one (both in the Speaker's party and overall). In those cases, the not voting totals provided by the API for House votes will not match the Clerk's totals.


if (FALSE) { ## get votes from only the house hv <- ppc_votes("house") ## get votes from the house and the senate hsv <- ppc_votes("both") }